Let’s Talk: https://calendly.com/ginger-writer/15min Register for the Masterclass: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2WZfhpgUQqCmm uEnUW-K8w Find out more about the Blueprint Your Book Fall Program: https://gingermoran.samcart.com/products/blueprint-your-bookfall-program/



Hi everybody, it’s Ginger Moran, PhD. I’m here today to talk about writing books.

Let’s see, I’ll just talk a little bit about my career. I am a book reader, a book lover, and it was kind of beyond my wildest imagination that I could be a book writer too. So some of you may have that same vision, it’s one of the coolest visions ever, it’s really an exciting thing. The New York Times says that 83% of people want to write books but sometimes we don’t quite get them done.

I made up a little diagram of what happens sometimes to books.

This is an XY diagram in case you’re not familiar with it. These are the different ways that books can go right and can go wrong. What you want to be doing, and what you probably think is going to be easy to do, is to have confidence in your vision. And if that’s what’s happening, you don’t need this video you’re already in flow, it’s already happening, the book is just on its way. But if you are in any of these other quadrants you might be having a little tiny bit of a struggle. Let’s just talk about what happens in these different places because it isn’t automatic as much as we think that it should be.

If you have a ton of confidence but your vision isn’t clear you might be cranking out something that’s not quite your very best product, and you might not end up wanting to put that into the world. So it’s really important to move from that fog about what you’re doing, what your vision is, what you have to contribute, toward a clearer vision.

You might have a sense that you have book in you but you’re not sure what it is and you doubt yourself. You doubt your idea. You doubt your ability. You might be down here in frustration. You definitely want to move out of that toward clarity of your vision, more confidence in what you are doing. That’s a very unfun place to be.

If you have a lot of clarity about your vision but you’re also dealing with a lot of doubts about whether it’s a good book or if you are good enough to write it, all those kinds of things that come up when we’re reading books, which are so, so normal, you might be in wheel spinning. You might be very busy doing not very much, not very much forward progress. Again, there you really want to start building your confidence.

So one way do that is to do what I call blueprinting your book and I do have a program, this is all where you could do that with me, but I just want to talk a little bit about what that looks like.

The steps of that have to do with building a plan, building your book, and then building a block party so that you can share that with the world.

And if those are things you might be interested in doing just contact me—

Let’s Talk: https://calendly.com/ginger-writer/15min

Find out more about the Blueprint Your Book Fall Program: https://gingermoran.samcart.com/products/blueprint-your-bookfall-program/