Hi everybody. It’s Ginger Moran, PhD.


I’m here to talk today about myths that get in the way of your writing.


I’ve been thinking about things that stop me from writing and the things that I hear from people that get in the way of writing a good book. That’s what I’m going to be talking about here for the next few minutes.


I found five myths that get in the way of writing your book and how to revise them.


I am of the belief that myths are basically a very useful thing. Myths were a way that we understood the world. They continue to be ways that we understand the world, the way that we make sense of things that don’t make sense. But some of the stories we make about things are not helpful and some are more helpful.


I’m here today to talk about challenging some of the myths that are not that helpful to getting your book done and coming up with some better ones.


I talked in the last video about the quadrants people can be in: if they have high confidence and a clear vision, then they’re in flow with their book. If they’re not sure what they’re writing about, they also really doubt their ability, they could be stuck down there in frustration. If they have a lot of confidence in their book, but their vision is still pretty foggy, they might be writing something not quite as good as it could be. Or, if they have a really clear vision but they have a lot of doubts they’re in wheel spinning.

So we’re talking about how to move everybody over into flow.



The five myths that come up very frequently when I’m talking to people about writing a book start with: just put down anything. Lots of people just say, just write down anything. It doesn’t matter what you say, just put it out there.



Well, that’s not necessarily the way to find your soul satisfaction. If you have a vision about writing your book, you don’t want to just put down anything. You want to actually capture that vision, which is very doable.


But another myth is that it’s real easy to do that. You just have an idea and, boom, it goes down on the page. That’s what we think are fabulous writers before us have done.


I can promise you: It’s not that way. It’s not easy. It is very satisfying, but that does not mean easy.


Another myth: it takes no time, energy or money. That kind of goes along with it’s easy. It’s just like, Woohoo. It’s just so easy. We’ve got nothing else to do. We’re just gonna scribble out a book. It actually does take quite a significant investment of time. It takes some kind of money, no matter how you look at it, no matter how small. You can have a very reasonable budget or you can make a great big investment, but there’s lots and lots of places in between.


A book definitely is going to take energy. You’re putting energy in to get a whole lot out of it.


Another myth is that it takes talent. I can promise you. When I was in graduate school, there were lots of people had way more talent than I did. Some of them are still writing. Many of them aren’t. I was quite good in my personal opinion and in the opinion of my teachers, but I didn’t burst out with a bestseller from day one. have continued to learn the craft and I’ve continued to practice it. I’ve won many awards and published many essays and three books. That took way more commitment and persistence than talent.


Another myth you have to already have a great idea and a huge following. So really the purpose of writing a book is to find your idea. That’s the number one purpose of writing a book, and then it’s to convey your idea to your audience. Sometimes we think, well, I’m, I’m not a celebrity. I’m not a business leader. I’m not even a recognized authority in my field. I’m not an influencer. I don’t have a huge following. None of that is necessary. What is necessary for you to have a vision and to want to convey it to the world. You will build your audience, authority, and influence as you go.


So the MythBusters .

First, you really need to blueprint your book. You need to have a plan. Next, you need to build it carefully and with good reliable information. And then step three is to throw a block party ,which is to let the whole neighborhood know about your book.


I have a program where we do just that very thing. And if you want to talk to me about your book, I’d love to hear from you.

So one way do that is to do what I call blueprinting your book and I do have a program, this is all where you could do that with me, but I just want to talk a little bit about what that looks like.

The steps of that have to do with building a plan, building your book, and then building a block party so that you can share that with the world.

And if those are things you might be interested in doing just contact me—

Let’s Talk: https://calendly.com/ginger-writer/15min

Find out more about the Blueprint Your Book Fall Program: https://gingermoran.samcart.com/products/blueprint-your-bookfall-program/

Let me know if you have any questions. I’d love to hear from you.