What is a book?
I am re-watching Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, one of the greatest mysteries ever written and it has inspired me to think about what makes a great book great. A simple way of looking at a book is [...]
I am re-watching Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, one of the greatest mysteries ever written and it has inspired me to think about what makes a great book great. A simple way of looking at a book is [...]
This past weekend I had a(nother) blast. A long-time client on whose second book we are now working came to the US from Australia to visit. It was our four-year anniversary! Susannah Glenn found me through a podcast I did [...]
I’ve been out of the loop. It was my birthday week last week and I usually take it easy that week, even if I’m not actually away. And I also went off media a couple of months ago. Specifically, I [...]
https://youtu.be/PdXynvhyaio Hi, everybody, it's Ginger Moran, PhD, and I am here today to continue my conversation about ways to get our writing unstuck and to make forward progress with our creativity. I'm talking about a series of things that [...]
https://youtu.be/wLmAamTJ2C4 Hi everybody. It's Ginger Moran, PhD. I am here again today to help you get your book out of stuck and into moving right along. I am in the middle of talking about doubts. Yesterday we talked [...]
https://youtu.be/COd1-sMCEJA Good morning, everybody. It's Ginger Moran, PhD, and I am here today to help you get your book done and into the world. This is a part of series of blog posts that I'm doing about the stages of [...]
https://youtu.be/Yf2NZrs88W8 Hi everybody. It's Ginger Moran, PhD. I'm here to talk today about myths that get in the way of your writing. I've been thinking about things that stop me from writing and the things that I [...]
https://youtu.be/mAV3AZYTrFo Let's Talk: https://calendly.com/ginger-writer/15min Register for the Masterclass: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2WZfhpgUQqCmm uEnUW-K8w Find out more about the Blueprint Your Book Fall Program: https://gingermoran.samcart.com/products/blueprint-your-bookfall-program/ Transcript: Hi everybody, it's Ginger Moran, PhD. I'm here today to talk about writing books. Let's see, [...]
When I was pregnant with my first son, I was an absolute fanatic about natural childbirth. My mother had delivered my brother and me naturally in the 50s, when that just wasn't done. I grew up in the 60s [...]
Oh, this has been a TIME! I just did a 5 year review, an exercise I do every so often when I start to wonder how I got where I am. I learned this process when I was doing the [...]