5 Myths that Are Stopping Your Writing–and How to Revise Them
https://youtu.be/Yf2NZrs88W8 Hi everybody. It's Ginger Moran, PhD. I'm [...]
Ways Your Book Can Go Wrong–and how to fix them
https://youtu.be/mAV3AZYTrFo Let's Talk: https://calendly.com/ginger-writer/15min Register for the Masterclass: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2WZfhpgUQqCmm [...]
The humbling by birth and books
When I was pregnant with my first son, I [...]
Grit—no, I don’t mean in your eye.
Oh, this has been a TIME! I just did a [...]
Going Deeper
In my practice as a writer and a book editor [...]
Blueprinting the Writing Process
Hey everybody, it’s Ginger, writer and writing professor, and [...]